Human Rights and Multiculturalism


  • Ariel Koch Gomes



Direitos Humanos, Multiculturalismo, Proposta de Sistema, Carlos Cirne-Lima, Dignidade Humana


This research aims at the analysis of the possibility of a theoretical grounding for Human Rights in view of Multiculturalism. The investigation falls into the contemporary debate framework on the problems brought about by multiculturalism and the contemporary scientific findings. The hypothesis to be analyzed is that it is possible to propose this grounding based on the philosopher Carlos Cirne-Lima’s systemic proposal. The adopted methodology is transdisciplinary, involving contributions mainly from Philosophy and Theory of Law. The postmodern rationality states that there is no proposition that is universally valid. However, whoever makes such an affirmation, when doing so, contradicts oneself. Therefore it is a contradiction in itself. Let us consider the proposition: There is no true proposition. Whoever affirms that is implicitly stating: There is no true proposition, except this one just said. Thus, one gets into self-contradiction. Who is in contradiction loses rationality, cannot think or speak. The principle of non-contradiction was formulated by Aristotle, but Cirne-Lima makes a small change: “ne should not do and do not predicate the same predicate of the same subject under the same aspect and at the same time.” Thus we have a must-be, a moral rule that applies to all human beings. From this first principle of non-contradiction there are the principles of Logic (Identity, Difference and Coherence) they can be applied in nature (Darwin’s theory of evolution) and in Ethics (Universal concrete Coherence). This Ethics is directly linked to Human Dignity. And thus the Human Rights are based on this Human Dignity.


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